Sheffield Resources Limited Annual Report 2023

9 Sheffield Resources Limited Annual Report 2023 CONTENTS FINANCIAL STATEMENTS YEAR IN REVIEW DIRECTORS’ REPORT CORPORATE DIRECTORY SHAREHOLDER INFORMATION Figure 5: South Atlantic Project – prospects, including Retiro and Bujuru Exploration Targets South Atlantic Project During the reporting period, Sheffield executed a binding investment agreement (RGM Option Agreement) with Mineração Santa Elina Indústria e Comércio S/A. and Kromus Xi Fundo De Investimento Em Participações, current owners of Rio Grande Mineração S/A (RGM), providing Sheffield with an option to acquire a 20% interest in RGM, the 100% owner of the South Atlantic Project in Brazil, via an initial option contribution of US$2.5m, with further staged payments totalling US$12.5m based upon the achievement of key milestones. Should Sheffield elect to exercise the option, subject to various conditions being satisfied, including project financing being obtained and all funds required for project construction being secured, Sheffield may exercise a further option to increase its interest in RGM up to 80% (refer ASX announcement dated 28 February 2023 for further details). An initial part contribution of US$1.0m was remitted to RGM during the reporting period. The South Atlantic Project is located within the Rio Grande do Sul Coastal Plain, a region located in the southernmost state of Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. The tenements are held by RGM. Four main deposits have been identified within the project area: Retiro, Estreito, Capao do Meio and Bujuru with Exploration Targets developed for the Retiro and Bujuru deposits. RGM intends to commence a drilling program of up to 10,000m in late 2023.