The tables below show the fixed and variable remuneration for KMP: Short-term Post- employment Share based payments 2023 Salary & fees $ Bonus $ Nonmonetary2 $ Superannuation $ Options & rights1 $ Total $ Non-Executive Directors J Richards 110,500 – 14,288 – – 124,788 I Macliver 80,000 – 14,288 8,400 – 102,688 G Cowe3 120,000 – 14,288 8,400 – 142,688 V Kickett 80,000 – 14,288 8,400 131,520 234,208 Senior Executives B Griffin4 372,500 22,500 14,288 – 333,831 743,119 M Di Silvio 361,000 22,200 14,288 27,500 365,216 790,204 1,124,000 44,700 85,728 52,700 830,567 2,137,695 Note 1: The fair value is determined by a combination of internal and external sources using a Black-Scholes option pricing model and independent third-party valuation which comprised of a hybrid option pricing model incorporating a Monte-Carlo simulation. Please refer to Note 16 in the consolidated financial statements for further details. Note 2: Non-monetary benefits include either cost to the Company in providing fringe benefits and/or attributable non-cash benefit applied by virtue of the Company’s Directors and Officer Liability policy. Note 3: Compensation included $40,000 consulting fees paid to Mr Cowe. Further details disclosed in Other Transactions with KMP and their Related Parties section, which forms part of the Directors’ Report. Note 4: Compensation included consulting fees paid to Mr Griffin. Further details disclosed in Other Transactions with KMP and their Related Parties section, which forms part of the Directors’ Report. Short-term Post- employment Share based payments 2022 Salary & fees $ Nonmonetary2 $ Superannuation $ Options & rights1 $ Total $ Non-Executive Directors J Richards 100,000 12,925 10,000 - 122,925 I Macliver 80,000 12,925 8,000 - 100,925 G Cowe3 123,000 12,925 8,000 70,080 214,005 V Kickett4 40,000 6,155 4,000 – 50,155 B McFadzean5 14,564 3,077 1,456 – 19,097 Senior Executives B Griffin6 300,000 12,925 – 306,068 618,993 M Di Silvio 342,500 12,925 27,500 311,026 693,951 1,000,064 73,857 58,956 687,174 1,820,051 Note 1: The fair value is determined by a combination of internal and external sources using a Black-Scholes option pricing model and independent third-party valuation which comprised of a hybrid option pricing model incorporating a Monte-Carlo simulation. Note 2: Non-monetary benefits include either cost to the Company in providing fringe benefits and/or attributable non-cash benefit applied by virtue of the Company’s Directors and Officer Liability policy. Note 3: Compensation included $43,000 consulting fees paid to Mr Cowe. Further details disclosed in Other Transactions with KMP and their Related Parties section, which forms part of the Directors’ Report. Note 4: Mrs Kickett appointed on 1 January 2022. Note 5: Mr McFadzean retired on 6 September 2021. Note 6: Compensation included consulting fees paid to Mr Griffin. Further details disclosed in Other Transactions with KMP and their Related Parties section, which forms part of the Directors’ Report. Remuneration Report (audited) continued 28 Sheffield Resources Limited Annual Report 2023