Shareholdings The table below outlines the relevant interest of each KMP in the share capital (held directly or indirectly of the Company) as at 30 June 2023: 2023 Opening balance Granted as remuneration Received on exercise Other changes1 Closing balance Non-Executive Directors J Richards - - - 400,000 400,000 I Macliver 100,000 - - 7,142 107,142 G Cowe - - - - - V Kickett - - - - - Senior Executives B Griffin2 200,000 - - 120,000 320,000 M Di Silvio 641,854 - - 30,000 671,854 941,854 - - 557,142 1,498,996 Note 1: Include on-market purchases by KMP. Note 2: Mr Griffin serves as Executive Chair of Sheffield. Shares are being held in part by Mr Griffin’s spouse and Farview Solutions Limited (Farview). Mr Griffin is a director and controlling shareholder of Farview. Other transactions with KMP and their related parties Farview Solutions Limited (Farview) provides consultancy services to the Group. Mr Griffin is a director and controlling shareholder of Farview and also serves as Executive Chair of Sheffield. The total amount paid to Farview during the year was $395,000 (2022: $300,000). The payment was disclosed in the Remuneration of Key Management Personnel table, which forms part of the Directors’ Report. Ozscot Trust (Ozscot) provides general consultancy services and workshop participation to the Group. Mr Cowe is a director of Ozscot and also serves as Non-Executive Director of Sheffield. The total amount paid to Ozscot during the year was $40,000 plus GST (2022: $43,000). The payment was disclosed in the Remuneration of Key Management Personnel table, which forms part of the Directors’ Report. Loans to Key Management Personnel No loans were granted to KMP during the year. End of Audited Remuneration Report Signed in accordance with a resolution of the Directors. For and on behalf of the Directors Bruce Griffin Executive Chair Perth, Western Australia 26 September 2023 Remuneration Report (audited) continued 30 Sheffield Resources Limited Annual Report 2023