Sheffield Resources Limited Annual Report 2024

9 Sheffield Resources Limited Annual Report 2024 CONTENTS FINANCIAL STATEMENTS YEAR IN REVIEW DIRECTORS’ REPORT CORPORATE DIRECTORY SHAREHOLDER INFORMATION KMS Environmental Regulation KMS is subject to various environmental regulations in respect to its exploration, development and production activities. In the course of its normal mining and exploration activities, KMS adheres to all environmental regulations imposed upon it by the relevant regulatory authorities, particularly those regulations relating to ground disturbance and the protection of rare and endangered flora and fauna. KMS Greenhouse Gas and Energy Data Reporting Requirements KMS have considered compliance with the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 (Cth) which requires entities to report annual greenhouse gas emissions and energy use in Australia. For the measurement period, KMS has assessed that there are no current reporting requirements but may be required to do so in the future. External Factors and Risks Affecting the Company’s Results Sheffield operates in an uncertain economic environment, but these uncertainties are minimised through the application of a rigorous risk management framework and clearly defined risk appetite, defined by the Board. Consequently, the Board and management monitor these uncertainties and, where possible, mitigate the associated risk of adverse outcomes. The following external factors are all capable of having a material adverse effect on the Sheffield business and may affect the prospects of business units, including the Thunderbird mine, for future financial years. Exposure to Economic, Environment and Social Risks Sheffield has material exposure to economic, environmental and social risks, including changes in community expectations, and environmental, social and governance legislation (including, for example, those matters related to climate change). At the Thunderbird mine, reasonable steps are taken via the employment of suitably qualified personnel to assist with the management of its exposure to these risks. During the operation of the Thunderbird mine, KMS must comply and remain compliant with its Mining License conditions and Australian Mining Codes in order to retain prospecting and mining rights. Any failure to satisfy these requirements could jeopardise any prospecting or mining rights held and impede the ability to acquire, develop or maintain any additional prospecting and mining rights, all of which could have a material adverse effect on the Sheffield and KMS business, results of operations, financial condition, cash flows and/or prospects. Risks related to mining operational activities Thunderbird’s operations comprise mining and development with a primary focus on the development of high-grade deposits within the mineral sands sector. Operations generally involve a high degree of risk and are subject to all the hazards and risks normally encountered in the mining and development of mineral deposits. These include unstable ground conditions, adverse weather conditions, flooding and other conditions involved in the drilling and removal of material, any of which could result in damage to, or destruction of, mines and other producing facilities, damage to life or property, environmental damage and possible legal liability. Although adequate precautions to minimize risks are, and will continue to be, taken, Thunderbird’s operations are subject to risks which may result in environmental pollution and possible liability. Figure 4: Environmental monitoring and rehabilitation activities