Our Environment
We embrace our responsibility to practice and promote behaviours which contribute to best practice environmental sustainability.
We aim to minimise environmental impacts and ensure disturbed areas are rehabilitated, to carefully manage water use and to mitigate and minimise climate change impacts.
Striving for continuous improvement, we regularly review and report our environmental performance against objectives and targets.
To provide for future generations, we sustainably manage our heritage, conservation, environmental and rehabilitation activities.
Our strong social licence to operate is supported by full State and Federal environmental approvals following an extensive 2017 Public Environmental Review ("PER"). The PER process required full environmental impact assessment, with detailed public consultation and identification of key environmental concerns for the community.
The key issues identified were:
- Impact on the Greater Bilby
- Impact on ground water resources
- Haulage of mineral sands products through Derby
- Impact of ocean going vessels on marine animals
All environmental approvals were received from the Environmental Protection Authority on the following basis:
- PER concluded all risks can be adequately managed
- Approvals contain standard industry conditions and controls
- Specific Greater Bilby management plans in place
- Environmental offset fund established
- Restrictions on speeds and travel times for haulage of products
Our Goals to a Sustainable Future

- Accept Climate change science
- Support net-zero global ambitions
- Support our community's goals
- Renewables for power generation
- Diesel substitution
- Partner with innovative suppliers
- Measure our climate performance
- Consider carbon offsets
- Climate Risk Assessments
- Low-carbon inputs
- Partner with our local community
- Determine net zero emissions pathway
- Engage with our peers, suppliers and customers